Farm Equipment Auction
Saturday, April 17, 2021 - 9:30 AM
Tobacco and Farm Equipment Auction
Saturday, April 17, 2021 – 9:30 AM
William Sutton Jr.
1010 Aurora Rd. Ernul, NC - Craven County
Directions: From Vanceboro, NC take Hwy. 17 south for seven miles. Turn left on Aurora Rd. for two miles. Sale on the right. From New Bern, NC take Hwy 17 north for 12 miles, turn right on Aurora Rd.
Information and Photos Posted
Consignments Accepted
NO Buyers' Premium is Charged

Tobacco Bulk Barns
(9) Roanoke 8 box Tobacco Bulk Barns
(2) Roanoke 9 box Tobacco Bulk Barns
(2) Long blue trim 8 box Tobacco Bulk Barns
(6) Powell 126 rack Tobacco Bulk Barns
Evans – Carolina – Heat X, Heat Exchanges
(4) Box Extensions
(3) Box Booms
(17) Roanoke Tobacco Boxes
(10) DeCloet Tobacco Boxes
Tobacco Equipment
250 ft. x 35 ft. Carolina Greenhouse, heaters, fans and mower boom
Carolina Greenhouse Tobacco Seeder table with Berry 288 seeder
Approximately 3500 – 288 tobacco seed trays
2017 Powell – 3-wheel, 2 row automatic Tobacco Primer, John Deere diesel, cutter & defoliator heads, Granville dump body, 331 hours, Serial # 20214
DeCloet 3-wheel, 2 row automatic Tobacco Primer, John Deere diesel, cutter & defoliator heads
Johnnie Sheppard dump body
Even Load for Tobacco Primer
2013 Checchi & Magli Trium 4 - 4 row Tobacco Setter, 3 pt. #17172
KMC 4 row ripper bedder with row markers, 3 pt.
KMC 4 row rolling cultivator with KMC sowers, 3 pt.
Taylor Ox Tobacco Baler, trailer type
(5) Tobacco box trailers
(8) Roanoke tobacco Trailers
(3) Powell one row Tobacco Strippers, pull type
Powell 4 row Tobacco Topper (one year old)
Single axle Tobacco Tray Trailer
Johnnie Sheppard box scales
Bale grabs
Trucks – Trailers – Bulldozer – Hi Cycle Sprayer
1996 International Eagle Tractor Truck, Cummings diesel, 10 speed Eaton transmission, sleeper
1987 Ford One Ton Truck, V8, 4 speed, 8 ft. flat bed
1985 Timpte Hopper Bottom Grain Trailer
1996 Mac 45 ft. dump Grain Trailer, spread axles
45 ft. dual axle Van Body storage Trailer
John Deere 550-B Bulldozer, diesel, 4 post canopy with blade, Serial # T0550BW721027
Bulldozer root rake
Excavator digging bucket
Excavator clean out bucket
Excavator wrist & twist attachments
John Deere 6100 Hi Cycle Sprayer, cab, diesel, hydrostat, 48 ft. booms, 4000 hours, Serial # N06100X000179
Clark 750 Tow Motor, gas, dual front tires
Allis Chalmers B Tractor, 4-cylinder gas, 3 speed
Farmall 140 Tractor, 4-cylinder gas, 4 speed
Farm Equipment Items
Hardee DB 4048 ditch bank cutter, 4 ft.
Massey Ferguson – Hesston 1837 square hay baler, pull type
New Holland 256 hay rake, pull type
New Holland 311 square hay baler, pull type
Four-wheel hay rake
John Deere 7000 – 6 row planter, row markers, pull type
John Deere 630 F grain head
(2) Irrifrance Irrigation reels and Nelson gun
AgriCraft fertilizer tender box
Tyler fertilizer tender box
550-gallon fuel tank with electric pump
Other Farm Items
Selective Consignments Accepted – Call Tugwell Auction at 252-531-1500
JOB TUGWELL 252-531-5312
Personal Property Terms: Everything sells “as is” with no guarantees or warranties either expressed or implied.
Cash, Check or Credit Card in full day of sale. A 3.5% Surcharge will be added to all Credit Card Invoices.
Information obtained was furnished by sources deemed reliable; however, neither the owners nor the auction company guarantees this information to be correct. We encourage buyers to inspect the property/items prior to sale and bid accordingly.
ALL Buyers who are exempt from paying NC Sales Tax must present an E595E North Carolina Department of Revenue Form for Qualified Farmers, signed by buyer with your NC Sales Tax Exemption Number & Information. If you are from out of state and do not have a North Carolina Qualified Farmers’ Exemption number, please call the NC Department of Revenue at 877-252-3052 to apply for this tax exemption, or call Sharyn Tugwell for more information.